Sunday, 14 October 2012

Beloved~ ♥❤

It's been a long of time for me to figure if i wanted expose who's the one linger in 
my lil one person fit heart..
my close friend, my bestfriend, my tutor, my boyfriend, my fruit heart..
hee~ ur my all in one.. 

sincerely ,
Nadiah Hisham

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Just after the exam~

just after the exam.. not today.. tp last saturday 29th sept..
fuhh, exam susah weyy...
100 questions, 100minit...
but u know what, the lecturer actually kumpul the paper awal 15min..

hehe, n dibuatkn cerita.. after the exam, me n my lab mates pegi mkan..
hehe, at koki sunda..
uhh, lab mates yang Malaysian je.. :b

then kitorg tggu for nk ambil oder tu lamaaaa gilaaaaa~
smpai smpat main snap2 gamba.. :P

this is our food... 

haa~ sbnrnya byk lg.. tp malas nk snap.. 

seriously kitorg had so much fun...
betul2 hilang rasa tension exam.. makan kenyang gila...
eh? lupa nk bg tau.. salad n fruits kt sni free.. boleh ambil brp byk yg nk..

if korg dtg medan.. boleh la try mkn kt koki sunda ni.. :')

Sincerely :
Nadiah Hisham

16th Sept :")

16th sept.. tarikh tu dah lama lepas.. but.. i think, it's okey to recall back  the memories...

it's the 2nd day of the Sukan 1malaysia  in medan.. it's include 3 nations (m'sia, inod n thai)

hehe, on this day mmg byk gila la sukan yg diorg anjur.. but.. i x join...
boleh kata the whole time i kt tempat guys futsal..
hmm, support my usu batch team laa.. = sostro moro >.<

 <-- ni la bdak2 Sostro Moro

actually, 15th sept pun i ada kt sni suuport diorg.. tp not much story to tell..

i smpat tgk 3 match diorg..
on 15th sept.. 
1st match, diorg menang
on16th sept..
2nd match, diorg kalah
3rd match seri

haa~ ni yg nk cite.. 4th match diorg kalah.. and i was not there...
sbb i dah dibawa balik oleh my house mate...
sbb kitorg celebrate birthdayyy~ <3

ni gambar2 kek kami.. xD


haa~ CANTIK kannn kekk??

fun day.. tp agak frust sikit sbb time dh hbis2 mkn tu..
budak2 yg futsal tu blum start pn lg game 4th diorg.. tp disbbkn jauh.. xdpt laa nk pegi lg sna..
last2 diorg kalah.. =__=

btw, thanks for akak ni sbb bwkkn kek.. :P

Nadiah Hisham