Monday, 17 September 2012

Within my eyes

I did not say that the stories about us is false, 
but the things about me that you said, is an absolute rubbish... 

hey sweet talker... can i ask you something?
How can you actually be in relationship with some other girls and
you could still write about me in your blog.. story about the past sweetness?
How could you still texting me those asking about why did we break-off..?
How do you even take care of her heart?
How ? 
What do you want actually?
seriously, don't give me those answer.. keep it to ur self, u need those answer more then I did..

Ohhh~ please don't write in your blog that i'm a pretty lil liar...
cause I did have prove that ur in relationship with someone else..

Okeyy, it's not that I'm jealous or what so ever..
I'm just too curious... 
how could you love someone, yet u still publishing sweet stories about u n ur ex..
that is just not right...

P/s : I just saw ur blog.. I'm glad that u delete everything...
Things between us will just never work...
You have her now, love her...

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